A few events organised we hope might interest you.
Wednesday 5th February – On line event by ANPI Luxembourg
“Gli avvenimenti nella zona di occupazione del Litorale Adriatico (Adriatisches Küstenland) 1943-1945”, talk by Italian historian Alessandra Kersevan (in Italian).
Info & registration: lussemburgo@anpi.it
Saturday 8th February – Event by the International Brigade Memorial Trust, Manchester
The North West International Brigade Memorial Group’s annual Jarama commemoration will be held in Manchester Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD from 11.30am to 1.30pm. The event will feature poetry, readings and songs. All welcome.
Sunday 9th February – Event by the North East Volunteers for Liberty Group, Middlesborough
The commemoration at Middlesbrough Town Hall on Sunday, February 9, will honour those who actively resisted fascism both at home and abroad.
Finally, remember to reach out to your local ANPI references if you want to add any relevant event above.